Rove Haunted The Dream of A Big Grizzly Pal, Too

A few months ago, I was hanging out with a Big Grizzly pal of mine, and of course I had told him about the Karl Rove dream I had about him and Rove a year ago; that dream I had was about working (or not) for the Grizzly/Palin ’14 political causes for me — and how I saw in the dream that Rove was laughing at me and my Grizzly friend and then Rove turned into — Satan.

Anyway, he remembered that he had a similar dream about old Karl (at the beginning of this year).  Here’s the dream:

My friend called a taxi to take him somewhere he needed to go.  He was explaining to the taxi driver where he was going when Karl Rove appeared out of nowhere and told my friend —

“No… you cannot go where you want to go in this cab”.

My big Grizzly pal kept arguing with Rove over the ridiculousness of it… why would Rove be denying him his rights to buy the services of a cabbie, or have any dictatorial say over how, when and where my friend would be going anywhere?   His dream ended with this absurd argument with Rove, who kept telling him he “could not go where he wanted to go…

Interesting.  Those Rove Bushies just cannot stand the Palin Grizzly people, but I think the dream is saying a lot more than that.



My Friend Just Not That Into Ben Carson As VP (It Was Cain ’12?)

A pal of mine who had a dream about a black man with facial hair, a guy who he felt like was “his father” in the dream… we were talking the week Ben Carson stated that he was a Seventh Day Adventist and he felt the dream was NOT about Carson but had been about how Herman Cain had been “taken out”…

The key being how Cain kept saying in the dream “but I am not sick”…and he didn’t understand why he and his wife were in this hospital room for sick people (only the “sick” or sinners are in need of Jesus).

My friend told me he thought it was about how Cain had been destroyed by the Military IndustrialCIA Complex in 2012 or whenever that whole “girl in the hotel room” discrediting thing happened to his Presidential campaign.




Addendum to ? Rosey Grier and RFK?

(Edit: was talking with a friend about the dream last night. He’s been getting similar dreams about NSA/CIA types threatening him with occultic threats… are all these people into black magic?  He was the one who had the dream about the CIA tailing a black “VP” who resembled Ben Carson.

Anyway we remembered what a particularly macho Christian “prayer warrior” we know told us.  He happened to be near the area in Santa Monica when the old man with a stuck accelerator plowed into a group of people and killed them, on 3rd street.  This Christian guy said he was shocked to see a group of known Satanists rush over to the accident where the people were lying dead and bleeding out. Instead of helping, the Satanists were… going into some sort of religious trance or ecstasy.  He explained what they were doing was “soaking up the energy” of the innocent people who were killed, as a way of satanic empowerment.  They believed they received power by being right near where people were dying.

And of course, if you believe Hitler was into the occult, then this is the reason they had their sacrificial “holocaust”.   It wasn’t so much about hating the Jews or Christians or gays… it was that the occult Nazis believed they were getting fresh energy or empowerment out of their sacrificed burnt offerings — or “holocaust” of human flesh.

(Was Auschwitz an occult temple?  Without even looking it up, I’ll bet a million dollars the blueprints for the deathcamp was organized by some sort of satanic symbolism.  And that the Nazis believed they were getting occult power out of the burning their victims.)

I think this is what I saw in the RFK dream. These prominent men were soaking up the energy that was bleeding out from Robert Kennedy as he lay dying. This type of demonic “worship” goes back to ancient times, when people would put their babies in the burning furnaces of the god Molech. They would believe they were being empowered by the death of the innocent.

Furthermore, I once knew a Hollywood executive who worked for several huge movie stars and studios. I asked a friend of mine to ask one of the big movie stars about her. She said “she had to fire the woman, because she was seeing ghosts in the office.” Later I met someone through my church who lived with this woman as a roommate when his pop music career was “charting” years previously.  He told me every night, the woman would get drunk and conjure up demons… and have conversations with them.  He also said the moment she found out he was a Christian, she stopped communication with him and wanted him to move out. Literally, refused to talk to him. The woman killed herself some years ago — though I had prayed for her very much when she was alive.

I’m reminded about this RFK dream because she was good friends with Budd Schulberg. And she was friends with him in the way that she was sort of a “handler” to Schulberg. Like no one could get near Schulberg without her permission. In public, it was beyond weird to see her run interference for him, even in weirdo Hollywood.

Budd Schulberg was in attendance when Robert Kennedy bled out on the cold stone floor of the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel — right near the “grove” of the Cocoanut Grove. *Satanic sacrifices require a stone floor for the victim and have to be near a grove.  If this is true, I guess doing things in plain sight is always the best cover? )

? Rosey Grier and RFK?

Woke up to the following dream on Sunday Jan 25.  The morning after Palin’s Iowa Freedom speech.

I saw Rosey Grier as the main player in a secret ceremony.  A Satanic Masonic ceremony.  Men were standing around, all high level freemasons (very very sick people.  I’m not talking about your low level Rotary Club members.  I’m talking about those at the top of the pyramid.  Pedophiles.  Lucifer worshipping freaks who are orchestrating the New World Order, not unlike those people who founded the UN, and those who backed Hitler).  The famous and prominent men standing around Robert Kennedy when he died were taking place in a ritual sacrifice.  That’s what I saw in the dream.

Somehow Rosey Grier was the main culprit, the Judas.  It reminded me of the ending of the film “Murder on the Orient Express” — where it turned out it was an entire group of people who murdered the one victim.  But in the dream, it was not so much that each man had a specific, personal reason for murdering RFK.

The men that were standing around helping/watching RKF die were there because was there was a specific religious and ceremonial requirement they were witnesses to his death.

All I woke up thinking about was… Rosey Grier.

So I looked it up.  Rosey Grier was a football player who later became RFK’s bodyguard during his brief foray in the 1968 Democratic Presidential Primaries.   RFK was murdered the night he won the California primary.  Grier was there that night, apprehending Sirhan Sirhan, sort of.  He was supposed to be guarding Ethel Kennedy, but RFK took a “short cut” through the kitchen passage in the hotel the night he was murdered.  This short cut was not part of the original security plan.

The way the dream played out was particularly gruesome because Kennedy did not die right away, I read he died later at Good Samaritan Hospital.  So, as he lay dying on the kitchen floor, RFK had to have known who was murdering him.

Kennedy died at 1:44 AM on June 6, 1968, and I added up the numerology around it because that was the day of D Day as well as the day Reagan’s death was announced.

1+9+ 6+8=24 and then 2+4=6.  So Robert Kennedy died on 666.

Same with Reagan 666. Same with DDay  666 (with the date equalling 9 which is reversed is a 6).

Satanists like this are driven by numerology.  Anyone who has heard Christine LeGarde’s “7” speech understand how weird these UN IMF One World Order people are.

If you believe that JFK was murdered by the Federal Reserve Banksters in our government, then you have to believe that his brother was, as well.  Dealey Plaza is entirely satanic in its layout:

Who knows how the Ambassador Hotel ties into all of this stuff?  Or Palin?  Has Palin been threatened by this same cabal?   Why in the world would I dream about Rosey Grier and RFK’s murder?  It’s the last thing on my mind these days.

(Addendum Edit: was talking with a friend about the dream last night. He’s been getting similar dreams about NSA/CIA types threatening him with occultic threats… are all these people into black magic? He was the one who had the dream about the CIA tailing a black “VP” who resembled Ben Carson.

Anyway we remembered what a particularly macho Christian “prayer warrior” we know told us. He happened to be near the area in Santa Monica when the old man with a stuck accelerator plowed into a group of people and killed them, on 3rd street. This Christian guy said he was shocked to see a group of known Satanists rush over to the accident where the people were lying dead and bleeding out. Instead of helping, the Satanists were… going into some sort of religious trance or ecstasy. He explained what they were doing was “soaking up the energy” of the innocent people who were killed, as a way of satanic empowerment. They believed they received power by being right near where people were dying.

And of course, if you believe Hitler was into the occult, then this is the reason they had their sacrificial “holocaust”. It wasn’t so much about hating the Jews or Christians or gays… it was that the occult Nazis believed they were getting fresh energy or empowerment out of their sacrificed burnt offerings — or “holocaust” of human flesh.

(Was Auschwitz an occult temple? Without even looking it up, I’ll bet a million dollars the blueprints for the deathcamp was organized by some sort of satanic symbolism. And that the Nazis believed they were getting occult power out of the burning their victims.)

I think this is what I saw in the RFK dream. These prominent men were soaking up the energy that was bleeding out from Robert Kennedy as he lay dying. This type of demonic “worship” goes back to ancient times, when people would put their babies in the burning furnaces of the god Molech. They would believe they were being empowered by the death of the innocent.

Furthermore, I once knew a Hollywood executive who worked for several huge movie stars and studios. I asked a friend of mine to ask one of the big movie stars about her. She said “she had to fire the woman, because she was seeing ghosts in the office.” Later I met someone through my church who lived with this woman as a roommate when his pop music career was “charting” years previously. He told me every night, the woman would get drunk and conjure up demons… and have conversations with them. He also said the moment she found out he was a Christian, she stopped communication with him and wanted him to move out. Literally, refused to talk to him. The woman killed herself some years ago — though I had prayed for her very much when she was alive.

I’m reminded about this RFK dream because the demon conjuring woman I knew was good friends with Budd Schulberg. And she was friends with him in the way that she was sort of a “handler” to Schulberg. Like no one could get near Schulberg without her permission. In public, it was beyond weird to see her run interference for him, even in weirdo Hollywood.

Budd Schulberg was in attendance when Robert Kennedy bled out on the cold stone floor of the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel — right near the “grove” of the Cocoanut Grove. *Satanic sacrifices require a stone floor for the victim and have to be near a grove.

If this is true, I guess doing things “in plain sight” is always the best cover? )

All About Bachmann

About a month ago, I had a dream about Michelle Bachmann.

Well, maybe not so much about her, but about her “handlers”.   Yes, I mean handlers, because brainwashed Bachmann needs “handlers”.  In just the same way Chris Matthews couldn’t contain himself and asked her live on the air a while back “If she was in a trance”…

Anyway, what I saw is that Bachmann is being prepped for a major political job, like VP.  And that her handlers, or her watchers or her voodoo consultants or whomever she and her husband “bow the knee to” in the religious/political sense — let’s not forget Karl Rove ran Bachmann for office in ’06 — in the dream I saw Bachmann’s handlers are watching ME.

These handlers are watching me (and people like me) to see how I deal with and support Sarah Palin, so they can imitate whatever I am doing in order promote Bachmann, the counterfeit Palin.

They plan to use intel on Palin for Bachmann.

Islam is from Hell

Years ago, I was talking to a Jewish friend of mine about religion and Jesus.  She said to me, I can understand and accept what you are saying about Jesus and God, but the devil?  C’mon.  That’s just ridiculous.  There is no such thing as the Devil.

We were driving to Westwood that day, where there was a Christian bookstore (this was preInternet) and I wanted her to get one of C.S. Lewis’ books.

She went on and on about how the Devil did not exist as we parked nearby on this side street near what used to be Bullocks Department store, as close as we could get to the bookstore.

I remember pulling down my vanity mirror in the car to put on lipstick or something as we were getting out of the car, when we both heard this strange “rap music” echoing down the street.  It was very loud.  As I got out of the car to lock it, we looked to see where the all the noise was coming from.  It was like someone had an old time “boom box” blasting this horrible rap.

The voice was neither male nor female in inflection.  The best way I can describe it is it sounded “metallic”.  When I was looking for a place to park, I noticed there was a Jamaican or Haitian woman sitting in her beat up Toyota car across the little side street.

Now, my friend and I both turned to look at this woman because the voice was coming out of her mouth.

She was possessed.  Truly.  It was like looking at a scene out of The Exorcist.  She was writhing as if a huge snake was inside her body, rippling up and down her neck and arms.  Undulating underneath her skin.

And the most remarkable if not utterly frightening part about it, was WHAT she was saying.

She was rapping in this loud disembodied neither male or female voice:  “I — AM — MOHHAMMED!”.


I get chills remembering it, I can still hear that voice commanding us to recognize that it was MOHHAMED while it was taking control of that woman’s body.

Evidently, the complete possession of the woman was startling even to her.  She was looking at herself in her car’s side view mirror.  She was fixed on looking at how it was speaking out of her mouth and causing her neck and torso to ripple.

Of course, my friend who only three minutes before was saying how she didn’t believe in the Devil, freaked.  We slowly backed away, down the sidewalk, watching the poor writhing demonized soul.  The Christian in me wanted to cast the demon out in the name of Jesus, but I was concerned because she was behind the wheel of a car and I didn’t want her to chase us down.  I was also concerned for my friend, who had no history of religion or any background at all about God, and somehow I remembered that demons are always alerted to the presence of actual Christians, who have power over them.

We ran into the bookstore and my friend  bought up a lot of books about her newfound understanding that the Devil is real.

This was a long time ago, during the Reagan years when this happened, well before 9/11 etc.  But it has always informed my understanding of Islam.

It is from Hell.

P.S. This only relation this post has to Gov. Palin today on her 26th anniversary and the 6th anniversary of her RNC VP acceptance, is that most Christian Palinistas well understand that PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) is most likely a reaction to Palin’s faith.


The Greek word for being demon possessed comes from the word for a snake or “Python”.  And that is exactly what we saw that day.  That woman looked like a huge python was inside of her body and talking through her.

Alex Jones’ Wife/Friend’s Dream of a Black GOP VP/Grizzly and Rove

I wrote this out a few weeks ago and forgot I didn’t actually post it.

Start with the first in early April:

I had a dream about a Palin Grizzly friend of mine.  Was driving the Grizzly somewhere in my car — and the off-ramp was unpaved… we literally “ran out of road” as the car was pulled to a stop by the freeway meridians that were strewn around this “road” and my car got all smashed.  Then I was in a room with my Grizzly friend — and Karl Rove was there.  I was not supposed to be there — it was not my “place”.  And then Rove pulled off a face mask revealing… Satan underneath.  Literally.  And RoveSatan was laughing at me for thinking he didn’t have all the work my Grizzly friend was doing totally manipulated and under his control.  (Via the internet spying and phone tapping, I suppose.)

Interpretation: I’m not called to politics in the normal sense of it and these mid terms (and all elections, I’d wager) are rigged by the Establishment.

They are just not going to let another 2010 happen.

I’ve been saying and should Tweet that unless Tea Party corners the market on two things: voter tabulation and polling — there is no way we can beat the Establishment like we did in 2010.

It’s rigged.

The next dream I had was about Alex Jones.  I somehow knew I was looking at his wife, or his wife was the focus of my dream  (even though I have never seen a photo of her and don’t sit around thinking about her or their marriage at all) and I heard a voice say “Tubal Cain”.

Had no idea what that was until I looked it up.  It is the not-so-secret, but “secret” password for Freemasons. Yes I do think high-level Freemasons are absolute Satanists (not the lower level types, who have no idea what’s really going on).  And I even believe a lot of unexplained things that go on in the news, including Benghazi, may have to do with some sort of demonic religious ritual that they are doing.

Benghazi may have some religious, sacrificial “geomancy” interest to them because it was a former Jewish concentration camp in WWII.  Don’t forget how the Muslims desecrated the Benghazi cemetery six months or so before the Benghazi attack on 9/11 (another masonic holiday, btw, that began on September 11, 1826)  That is what I saw in another dream — that the way to deal with these Establishment satanists is to see what they are doing in terms of religiosity or religion — albeit some UN NWO Satanic religion.

(And all of this weird anti Navy SEAL anti military Vet stuff is a part of a UN New World Order hatred of the troops who do their bidding.  Beginning to think it is not so far fetched to believe the vets, and any agony the vets go through, are part of some needed sacrifice or even blood sacrifice to their god — and probably Gosnell too is doing it with the blood of dead babies — just as in the Old Testament with Molech.  I know it seems nuts to think that people we view as agnostic or atheist or even those pretending to be “Methodist” for example — might be doing some weird ceremonial satan worship — but that’s how weird things are since Obama got in office.   There is no longer any conspiracy theory in the age of Obama, he is a conspiracy fact.)

In my waking life, I view Alex Jones the way I viewed Rush Limbaugh in the early 90’s.  Irritating with a point and probably in league with the Establishment.  (I’ll never forget how Rush said “he was good friends with the Bushes” in early Nov. 1992 before the election.  Nor can I forget how Rush stated that he believed people who worked for Halliburton came from Mars. Yeah.  That’s what he said.  Google it.)   Jones must be doing disinfo — or even more subtly — playing games with time frames.  Like divulging information such as “Jerry Bruckheimer staged the phony Jessica Lynch rescue” years after anyone even remembers it, or can check it out.

Another dream that a Christian friend of mine had — he is someone that I pray with — he had a dream about a black GOP VP.

I relate it because it reminds me of a dream I had about Gov. Palin regarding Tucson.

He dreamt that there was a black man with a moustache or beard, or both (I can’t remember) who was the GOP Vice President.

He was in a high tech hospital room and he was not doing well, with doctors working on him.  His wife was with him.  In the dream, my friend said that the he couldn’t understand why he felt the black VP was his “father” but that’s what he felt like.

The black GOP VP was being operated on but he kept saying: “But I’m perfectly healthy, I’ve never been sick, I don’t understand what I’m doing here”

… then my friend said the dream showed a different angle and he saw the black VP that seemed to be “his father” was really in a mobile hospital van, a high tech vehicle that looked like it was out of a sci fi movie.  And the back of the van opened up and exposed the VP and his wife to a bevy of  determined CIA hit men and snipers who were following them — and they shot at the VP with tiny poison darts in high tech guns — as if out of a movie again — and the man was pulverized by these darts until he died.

My friend, who is white, couldn’t understand why he felt like this man was “his father” and I told him that when you are the “son of” someone or the “father” of someone, it is like when Christ said to the Pharisees — “your father is the devil” — meaning that you are cut from the same cloth as that person.

My friend is GOP, so I told him this black guy you saw in your dream (Ben Carson?) has the same political and spiritual beliefs that you do, that’s why he felt like he was your “father”.

He was very shaken up by the dream, convinced afterwards at skullduggery at the highest levels. (Like the guy who was in the primary with Clay Aiken today who just happened to drop dead when he was about to challenge the vote… right.)

I maintain that my friend’s dream is exactly the same sort of interpretation as the dream I had about Palin in Tucson — in the Bible, “darts” or “arrows” or “fiery darts” are false accusations, slanders, lies, insinuations, libels because even the word “Devil” means slanderer, and he is the “accuser of the brethren”.   The “CIA hitmen” were people in the media, in politics etc., who fed the MSM lies about this black guy — look up Operation MOCKINGBIRD.

The fact this Ben Carson-ish guy kept saying “But I’m not sick!” Meant that he had no real dirty laundry to speak of.  The “high tech” darts the CIA MSM were shooting at him were lies and accusations coming at him through our “rigged internet” and a manipulation of the social and other media to get at the guy.  That he “died” doesn’t mean he physically died, it means they “took him out” in terms of his career.

The dream really upset my friend.



How To Pray About State And Corporate Spying

My close friends, the police and other interested parties know what happened to a couple of my external hard drives lately.  It put me drastically behind but luckily I had an older backup for my backup so I’m still behind with things (but almost all up to date as I type this).

My response as a Christian was to pray as Jesus told us to pray. “Bless those who wickedly curse you, and pray for those who hate you” etc., which is very hard to do with the Right/Left Establishment until I remember these crazed Elites believe that aliens are their ancestors and all of that insane witchy alien stuff that the NWObankster Elites all believe in.

(In JudeoChristianity of course, these “aliens” are demons with “doctrines of demons” who are deluding the Elites as angels – or aliens – of light.  What the Elites believe goes back to the beginning, as I was sharing with some Palinistas the other day.   Here is the link to “Know Your Enemy” — — and the sections on how the Rothchilds aren’t Jewish dispels a lot of anti Semitic disinformation.  Overall, “Know Your Enemy” shows us that the symptoms might be political, but the cause is spiritual.)

My prayer pals and I have added something to our prayers on top of actually pleading for the souls of the Establishment, that God would spare those involved that He can spare, that He would make “Pauls out of Sauls”.  We added also to our prayers Obadiah 1:15: “as you have done, so it shall be done to you, your deeds shall recoil upon your own heads”…

So we prayed that as the StateNWO and Corporate Elites sift through our phone calls, our plans, our strategies etc., that THEIR plans, strategies, privacy would in turn be unveiled, exposed and uncovered. We pray that the deceptions, false narratives, false flags and manufactured news would be uncovered and the veils ripped away from their true motives.


Double and triple LOL.

For all prayerful Jews and Christians reading this, our God ALWAYS confirms His word and His will.  He’s not a tormentor or a trickster, our God is a straight shooter, He always wants us to know what He wants us to do.

So was I surprised (especially after the issue with my hard drives) a few weeks ago when I bought a used and broken Mac for parts off the internet.  The screen was dead but the rest of the laptop worked.

The hard drive was still in the unit.  After it was taken out, it turns out this was the hard drive, with plans and strategies and personal stuff and other internal documents — from a Twitter executive. We all laughed over this because we knew it was God confirming for us this was the way to pray about the internet spying issue.  God sure has a sense of humor.

Of course, I’ll be contacting Twitter and I will not be using this hard drive and information for anything — I want to return it to whom it belongs to. I want to keep the 2nd Commandment; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.



This is a small portion of something much larger, waylaid by some hard drive trouble I had a few months back.  I thought I’d excerpt this because of all the Palin-in-media news lately, and because it’s my own Christian birthday and Piper’s real birthday. (Blessings on her day!) Much more still to come in one form or another – this week.


A while back, Sarah Palin wisely turned down Mark Burnett’s generous offer of a TV talk show — because her personality, appeal and “call” are unsuited for the format.  Since the time Andrew Breitbart famously compared Palin to Oprah Winfrey, there was a lingering idea that Palin could be the rightwing Oprah on TV talkshows.


But Brietbart, rest his soul, was only half right about Palin being Oprah.  Yes, she’s as big of an icon as Winfrey, but no — this is not the right type of show to frame Sarah Palin’s influence and talent.  I’ll attempt to deconstruct Oprah’s talk show success later, but first it’s important to try to analyze why Governor Palin is wrong for this (though others might be completely right for it…)


Sarah Palin truly is a standard bearer for classic Christian Americana within the media politik.  Her job “in the spirit” is to strengthen and encourage others as she takes a stand for worthy — if not eternal – causes, something that cannot be done within trend-driven TV talk shows as we know them.


For Sarah Palin, throwing herself into the commercialized obsequiousness of issue-oriented TV talk shows would destroy her brand and effectiveness. The five-day-a-week multiple-issue structure would diminish her God-given talents by causing her to be overexposed, spread too thin over a variety of issues.


As a standard bearer of the spirit, there’s a need to frame Sarah Palin’s talent with the importance due her cause.  This “framing device” is about timing; it’s about pacing media cycles.  International leaders like Palin can’t “take their stand” every day, simply because it’s necessary to feed the commercialized media beast with manufactured and inconsequential “issues”.

Think about all the Establishment types who withhold themselves from the day-to-day media fray and only sporadically dip into it, and only then when heavily scripted.  (They probably have memorized the Proverb that says “even the fool when he is silent appears wise” LOL)

This timing and pacing problem applies to social media, and Sarah Palin knows it.  She knows too much tweeting on each and every meme-of-the-day would eventually ruin her brand by dilution in our increasingly politicized and phony social media fray.


Much of the time, Palin functions as a Tea Party Will Rogers, more than capable of proffering a worthy opinion on pretty much any subject.  But it’s not wise to see her “taking stands” on every issue in the world, as she would have to do in a TV talk show.  Taking a stand on every issue makes every issue she takes a stand on less important.  It would make her opinion commonplace and therefore disposable.


In stark contrast to the secular elites who host TV talk shows – Palin’s power is that she truly represents the people as the ordinary housewife turned extraordinary conservative leader.  Standing for the people means she “stands in” for them; she “re-presents” Reagan and Lincoln’s vision of America.

(In the Reagan years, the Establishment commandeered the fight by triangulating conservative Christians and calling them “the Moral Majority” and then pitting them against liberal atheists while moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans won by dividing these “extremes.” Meanwhile the religious or Luciferian agendas of these UN Establishment elites were never divulged or discussed, though the death of JudeoChristianity is their goal).

Call her a standard bearer of the spirit in the Christian sense — or the Platonic sense if Judeo-Christianity is too much for you – but that is Sarah Palin’s eternal positioning.  She strengthens and encourages Judeo-Christian Americans as she takes her stand.


Reflexively, Palin is strengthened and encouraged when she’s with people in a public setting.  She’s said so often enough.  It isn’t work when Palin “works the crowd”; she’s always glad to be “glad-handing.”  Though her enemies don’t understand her spiritual positioning — to their detriment — Palin isn’t “living for the applause” ala the narcissistic Hollywood cliché.  It’s actually a much more profound understanding.

Her love of the hoi polloi (or Katie Couric’s “great unwashed”) has to do with Palin’s recognition of herself in their midst.

It is through public interaction that Sarah Palin understands her spiritual identity.


Governor Palin “feels who she is” when she meets and greets or speaks in public. As Palin has described her son Trig as needing to look at his hands as a touchstone, as a grounding device, as a foundation of reality that permits him to venture into grassy unknowns – public encounters are a touchstone for Sarah Palin.

Palin recognizes who she is when she’s with a crowd.  It’s a spiritual need for her, and it makes her crowds love her all the more because they have a mutual need for her to stand for them.   These are the logistics of how Sarah Palin “re-presents” Christian America: she is encouraged and strengthened as she encourages and strengthens others; it’s part of her call in God as a moral leader, as a standard-bearer.

Palin loses herself and her sense of her leadership if she had to muck through trivial, trendy or inconsequential issues, but is strengthened if she’s associated with worthy causes she believes in.

Her decision to not take up Mark Burnett on his TV talk show offer was dead right.


But all this is why her upcoming show might be the perfect vehicle right now.

Despite the critics, reality shows have not diminished the Governor’s brand, but have extended it — because these shows thrive on interactive immediacy, her forte.


Though reality TV is of course just as artificial as any other TV format, it suits Sarah Palin because her love for people is “really real” and immediate.

Just by being Sarah Palin, the Governor “strengthens that which remains” of our Christian Americana when she campaigns, be it a book tour or politically.  This is most likely the spiritual subtext for the new series.  AMAZING AMERICA is a perfect showcase for Sarah Palin right now because of her evangelistic call, and part of this subtext for this upcoming show is that these people whom Palin will highlight are “part of” Palin herself.


And one of the pitfalls of doing a show about people’s personal stories like “Amazing America” or other shows to be discussed – is that most likely, Palin wants to “take a stand” about the lives of the people she meets on the show.  There is a potential weak spot in this.

Sarah Palin is not Huel Howser, she is a world leader.  Should these people later on diss her or disavow what was presented within Palin’s show could be a way Palin’s political enemies try to sabotage her.  Sarah Palin cannot “go surety for a stranger” (ala Proverbs 6) and take a stand on other people’s testimonies or life achievements if she does not know them intimately.

She can present them, she can frame their life-stories, but she can’t stake her own reputation upon theirs.  She can’t guarantee or warranty their morality or character, their upright and forthright lifestyles or achievements.  This probably will be spelled out in the show, so if it turns out someone Palin highlights in her show has done something immoral or somehow misrepresented themselves, there won’t be room for Palin’s political enemies to make hay out of it.
